James was born at 2:42 a.m on Monday October 10th 2011. He weighed in at 6 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches long. Labor went pretty quick. From the time of my first contraction to birth was 1 hr and 42 min. I only had two contractions, the second was never ending and I started bleeding so Brady and I rushed to the hospital. When I got to the hospital I was already dilated to a 9! I asked for an epidural but the anesthesiologist was no longer there so they called him and my Dr. The baby's heart rate was down to 60 when it should be around 140. They kept turning me in the bed trying to get his heart rate up, but no success. When the Dr. got there minutes later I was to a 9 1/2. They were afraid I had a placental abruption because I was losing so much blood. James' heart rate was not getting better at all so they had to do an emergency C-section. The anesthesiologist showed up just in time to give me a spinal block and they got James out in just minutes. His umbilical cord was wrapped around his foot twice and tied in a knot. In spite of all this stress he was as healthy as ever. It was quite a traumatic morning, the nurses said that they had never seen anything like that end with a good result. Its really a miracle that he is here. We are so blessed to have him and couldn't love him more.
Brady was such a great coach through the whole thing. Im glad I have him and he is a wonderful dad :)
Brady and I are so blessed to have this little guy in our family. We have never felt so much love for anyone or anything before now. We cant get enough of him :)
Hooray! Thanks for the blog post (looks like Brady missed his chance!). He is TINY and ADORABLE!!! I love him! Can't wait for more and more and more pictures. So keep them coming! I just can't stand the fact that we're not on the visitor post. We'll be your virtual visitors! (Just look at how quickly we comment on your blog posts!).
Have fun with him!
(Brady speaking) Jenn: you were so freaking fast to comment! For the record, I did post the comment about our visitors and I helped with this one. We were doing a tag team effort to get the blog posting up. :)
McCall & Brady,
James is so cute! So glad everything turned out well, what a scary experience though. I would love to come and see him in a couple of weeks when you get all settled and use to being a new mommy. Good job, you guys will be such good parents :)
Congratulations! He is such a cute little boy. I hope you are feeling okay now. I can't wait to see him.
WAHOO! Congrats again! Lovin' the pics!! You guys are such a cute little family!! :)
Congratulations!! We had no idea until I read your post. For some reason we are always left out of the loop in hearing about family things. We are so excited for your cute little family and can't wait to meet the little guy!
I miss him already! I wish I was holding and kissing those sweet cheeks right now! You are so lucky and babies are such miracles....enjoy every second becasue time flies way too fast and before you know it he will be in 4th grade. I just love3 your sweet little family of 3!
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad that both of you are ok. That is a crazy story. He is so cute! Hopefully we can meet him sometime :)
holy cracker mccall!! i don't think i coulda survived that! i am so glad you and the little guy are ok!!! he is sooooo CUTE!! and totally looks like a riley. :) so happy for you two! best familia ever!
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