Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cori's Birthday Party!

This is a little late I know!I have been meaning to post this for awhile now. But I have these pictures and want to document this event.
My niece Cori turned 5 on March 24th. She wanted a princess party and Liza asked me to be the princess visitor. I was really pretty nervous, this was a little out of my comfort zone. But it turned out to be really fun. I told them my name was Jazelle(From Enchanted, I couldn't just be McCall I had to have a princess name of course) and that I had just gotten a haircut, all the girls told me they liked the change:)

I am glad I could be a princess, this is something I will never forget.

Friday, April 23, 2010

School's out...for the summer!

We are finished with another semester! Oh and boy it feels so good:) Last night to celebrate we had glorious ham sandwiches and smoothies! Hip Hip Hooray! And props to Brady for finishing strong with this semester, he had some hard classes. Love Ya!