Wednesday, September 19, 2012


As of today Brady and I are
We are so excited! We bought my parents house and they are buying a house in syracuse.
I feel like im going home and its a really good and peaceful feeling. 
We are anxious to move in to our new home but also feeling a little overwhelmed.
But its a good overwhelmed because its happy things that are happening to us.

My Heart Is Full

     I love being a mom to my little guy James. He makes me smile and he seriously melts my heart. Some days are not easy being a mom. James has this cute little laugh. Sometimes we catch him laughing to himself.  I am so blessed to have him in my life. I will never forget what a miracle James is in my life.

sometimes I think..'how did I get so lucky to be his mom?'.

He is perfect and I love everything about him

Today as I was canning pears, he was totally cracking me up. He was sitting on the kitchen floor, playing with a towel and totally giggling to himself. I couldn't help but laugh with him.

I love his kisses
I love that he looks like his dad
I love that he has his dad's fun personality and energy.
I love that he loves to cuddle

James doesn't feed himself his bottle yet, and ya know I like that. It keeps him my baby for just a little longer. It makes me a little sad that he is growing so fast, I want him to be little forever.

James only about an hour old.
I love that James wants me. and that he sticks his tongue out like a little puppy dog.
I am so blessed to be a mom. James needs me to be with him everyday. He needs me to change his diapers and clothes. He needs me to feed him, to bath him, to cuddle him and to sing to him.He need me to play with him and teach him. What a wonderful job I have

                                                 I love my little family and I love being a mom.

Monday, September 10, 2012

11 months old!!!

WOW! Another month has gone by so quickly! Our James is one month away from being one year old! I don't think im ready for this.
James boy is getting so big.He is so active and such a good baby! 
He now says "da da" all the time. I try and try to get him to say mama but he just looks at me for a second and says  " da da". Its the cutest thing. Lately he tries to stand up in the middle of the floor . His feet and hands are on the ground with his bum up in the air and then he falls over, its pretty funny. His favorite game is peekaboo and loves to give people kisses. 
We love you James! Happy 11 months today:)