Monday, March 14, 2011

Temporary Parents!!!

Last week Brady and I babysat his boss's SIX kids! We stayed at their house in Ogden and played mom and dad for the whole week. Everyone that we told beforehand all said things like, " oh man! Good luck", or " Six?, wow that is going to be the longest week of your life." and things like" just don't let this scare you away from wanting kids." I started kind of dreading the whole experience, I was starting to get nervous to be in charge of someone else's children. Brady on the other hand was totally stoked for everything about the week, he really could not wait.

Well, to all of you out there it was not the longest week of my life!! It actually turned out to be a great experience. I am not saying that it was all smooth sailing and that I am ready to do it tomorrow,but it was not that bad. We had a good time, probably half because Brady was having a total blast the whole time. They were good kids and fun to be with. The oldest being almost 11 and the youngest at 10 months. Ages of children: 10 1/2, 9, 7, ,5, 2, and 10 months.

Here are some pictures of some of the momentous things we did:

Brady put together a Guess Who and Connect Four tournament
It was fun because even the two year old could play with us.

we are missing a few children here, but it turned out to be a big hit. We ended up having a tournament almost everyday after that.

We made personal pizzas with the kids. They really enjoyed this! can you say huge mess? but totally worth it:)
Baby is missing? Cant recall where she was at the moment...great mom right?

Oh here she is!!!phew

Their parents left them some playdough to play with which was also a big hit.

This was a good experience for Brady and I. I got a small glimpse of motherhood and it was really fun to see Brady as a dad and seeing how much he adored these kids. He treated them like his own and it was really cute to see.
Couldn't have done it without him and im glad we had this chance to babysit:)