Friday, August 10, 2012

Ten Months Old Today!!!!!

My Baby is Ten Months Old Today! Crazy!!!James is still army crawling and is moving all the time. He is a very busy body. He can now drink from a straw and loves cheese and yogurt! James has this new thing where if you laugh he will do a little laugh to copy and he will go back and forth with you for a long time. So Funny! James is quite the entertainer! He will Smile at people until they look at him and give him attention, especially in the grocery store. This boy seriously cracks me up!James can stand up to the couch all by himself and loves to clap!He also really enjoys books and like to turn the pages by himself.

This little boy is my life. I love him so so much! I just can't get enough of him. I am so grateful that I get to be his mom. He is quite a special guy and makes me smile and laugh all the time. We love you James!
Happy Ten Months:)

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