Friday, August 10, 2012


 James has SO MUCH HAIR!And not only does he have alot of it but it is getting quite long.So yesterday the girly girl in me couldn't help but wonder if his hair could be tied up in elastics. Sure enough, yup, and it looked pretty cute too. HaHa, I was laughing so hard and James was giggling at himself in the mirror. Am I a bad mom for doing my sons hair like a girl just once out of curiousity? It was pretty funny even though the husband did not take a liking to my masterpiece.haha sorry James!


Jenn said...

Yeah, it's probably a good thing James is a boy and not a girl. :) I do like him MUCH better with his fluffy mo-hawk. I think it's so funny that you tried out girl hair on him! Don't worry, Kati and I used to do the same kind of thing to Brady (+ tutus and dresses), and he turned out okay...

Tad and Liza said...

What a cute girl you will have someday! That is pretty funny!

Whitney Leigh said...

someone wants a gi-irl.

but seriously. what a doll. I tried to do that to Landon and he wouldn't have it.