Thursday, September 15, 2011

35 weeks

Well here I am. I feel like I look huge! My hands, feet and face are all in all...PUFFY! I think I have come to the conclusion that " A Good Nights sleep" is no longer part of my life:) But that's okay right because its all totally worth it.
I think about our little boy ALL THE TIME and cant help but smile.
He is so my favorite!
My dr is wanting to start me a week early which would push my due date up to October 10th(25days away!). We will see for sure at this next weeks appt!
I almost cant believe this is actually happening to me, Im having a baby and im going to be a mom! Ah! Can life get any better?

1 comment:

Erika said...

You're so cute! SO excited for you to be a mom. I'm sure you'll be an awesome one, struggles and all! Oh, and SUCH fun fabric for that rocker!!! LoVe it. Oh how I miss IKEA...:)