LiZa and Tad's house for dinner and fun. Brady and I were the letter "H" upper and
lower case. Really no apparent reason really, just "H".
Here is Obi wan Kenobi and the cutest cheerleader ever!
Wyatt made a great football player!
I loved Logan and Deb's, they were a clothesline !
Brock and Bonnie were the people from the movie Juno. They looked like them almost to the T.
Mom and Dad were Ketchup and mustard which was very clever and cute. Grandma was the sunshine with her yellow Jacket, It was fun to have her there with us.
We played a game where we had to wrap Kamden and Wyatt up like mummies. It was a race
We had to use two whole rolls of TP. Poor Wyatt did not think this was too funny after a while. He was a good sport though.
Kamden was completely covered.
We all had a great time. Liza made up a cute and clever halloween name for all the food we ate, and put it on a menu that we had to choose from. We ate everything from Black Cats barf to troll eyes. What a fun Halloween.
Oh and I feel really bad that I didnt get a picture of Liza and Tad, they had great costumes as the guys from the commercials. They were "PC" and a "MAC" fun stuff.
Kamden was completely covered.
We all had a great time. Liza made up a cute and clever halloween name for all the food we ate, and put it on a menu that we had to choose from. We ate everything from Black Cats barf to troll eyes. What a fun Halloween.
Oh and I feel really bad that I didnt get a picture of Liza and Tad, they had great costumes as the guys from the commercials. They were "PC" and a "MAC" fun stuff.